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clarity and planning session

Self-Awareness, Overcoming Fear and Life Map Session with Gia

This offering will provide you with a map for getting to your best life. It is a great introduction to coaching will provide a guide for you to move forward towards your best life. Experience an introduction to coaching to help get immediate clarity around next steps, understand your blind spots and fear-based thinking, and walk away with clear steps towards the full expression of your values.

This program is great for you if
  • You feel stuck in fear-based thought patterns

  • You want to make a shift in your life but you don't know how

  • You are at a crossroads and need clarity for how to move forward

  • You need to develop a new blueprint for moving forward in your life and career

  • You're ready to uplevel your game

  • You are hungry for new learning, growth and self-awareness

Through this program, you will get
  • Resolve a dilemma and walk away with a clear plan

  • ind and clarify your life and professional vision and next steps

  • Concert information about yourself

  • Build tangible tools for moving forward in your life in every situation

  • Learn how to face your fears and move into action

  • Practice doing the things that scare you

Included in this program

One 90-min discovery deep dive session unpack values, saboteurs, inner leader and build a map for moving into the future with clarity


Initial evaluative questionnaire to identify what matters most to you


Assessment to identify your fear based thinking, inner critics and tools for overcoming them


One 15-min coaching follow up with to help forward the action and deep the self-awareness and transformation


Ongoing interim coaching accountability in between sessions via email, text and short phone calls to help trouble shoot areas where you get stuck, celebrate wins and check in on homework



Price: $450

© 2017 by Gia Storms

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